Saturday 14 November 2015

Skipping at María Inmaculada

Getting kids active at María Inmaculada.

It´s proven that children who are physically active are more motivated and academically focused. We want to our children to try to do as many sports as they can, such as basketball, football, hockey, ballet. They can practice these activities on the playground at our school or in the school gym.

This week we looked up information about skipping in cooperative groups. Children from 5th and 3th grade made some posters with information about the benefits of skipping and how to skip correctly.

You can see all the children’s posters hanging throughout the corridors of the school.
I am sure you have skipped when you were a child and that it made you feel very happy. It is an activity which you can practice with some friends or by yourself. You can also sing the typical songs at the same time you and your friends are skipping.

It is fantastic when you look around and see all your pupils laughing or smiling during the P.E lesson.

Yes, skipping induces happiness. 

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