Thursday 21 January 2016

Daily routines

Hi guys!

What do you do during the day?

As I told you this morning, “Morning Routines” are really important because it is vocabulary or expressions that we use every day.

If we learn new expressions we will feel more confident with our English and at the same time we will be able to exchange ideas with friends or learn more about them.

In Spanish it is common to tell your friend the activities you do or did during the day. For example: at what time did you finish your homework or if you went to the park or not…
I will give you some “Morning routines” which I want you to copy in your English notebook next to the translation in Spanish.

Remember! It is not only about copying the expressions…the most important thing is to use them in the classroom every day   : )

I recommend that you to watch these videos! 


Daily routines

Telling the time in English

Now it is your turn!

HOMEWORK: Write your daily routine in your English notebook for tomorrow.  

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