Sunday 31 January 2016

School Day of Non-Violence and Peace

Every year on January 30th our school celebrates a day of peace. We do this by teaching the children about how to respect one another and our differences, but at the same time that we are all human. This year we chose to embrace and demonstrate this by having the children colouring in their own suns and singing “Bajo el mismo sol” (“Under the same sun”).

The children enjoyed colouring in their suns and gathering together to sing the song. Some of them even started to dance!

Time for a Film!


We watched Thumbelina for our Friday film. The film is about a tiny girl who is the size of a thumb, which is how she got her name THUMBelina. 
She falls in love with a prince who is the same size as her, but then she is captured by Mrs. Toad who wants her to join their singing group and marry her son. 
Thumbelina escapes and has adventures in the forest on her way back home. In the end the prince marries her.

While watching this film the children ate snacks and enjoyed the movie.


Film"The magic bus" Year 1

Film  "Hello kitty"  Year 2

Film "I´m a dinosaur" Year 3

Film "Thumbelina"  year 4 and year 5:

Year 6: